#Brew update xquartz for mac
今天要装个Oracle,需要使用dbca,下面就是谷歌上面的搜索XQuartz使用方法: Mac OS X Install XQuartz on your Mac, which is the official X server software for Mac Run Applications > Utilities > XQuartz.app Right click on the XQuartz icon in the dock and select.In this article: brew, how-to, howto, launchd, XQuartz All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independentīrew cask install xquartz brew install bison flex mingw-w64 pkgconfig As homebrew no longer provides universal dylibs anything outside of XQuartz provided files and the basic build dependencies would need to be built from source MacPorts.The name “XQuartz” derives from Quartz, part of the macOS Core Graphics framework, to which XQuartz connects theseĭeveloper(s): Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia, X.Org XQuartz (formerly and often still informally referred to as X11.app) is Apple Inc.’s version of the X server, a component of the X Window System (X11, or shortened to simply X, and sometimes informally X-Windows) for macOS. The quartz-wm window manager included with the XQuartz. The X.Org software components’ licenses are discussed on the X.Org Foundation Licenses page. An XQuartz installation consists of many individual pieces of software which have various licenses.